Bass Guitars - Solid Body

Brian Bruemmer

Fidelity Guitars – Stellarosa Meadowlark

Like most musicians, I spend far too much time watching gear videos on YouTube. Back in 2021, I came across a video titled “Top 5 Boutique Guitars You’ve Never Heard Of” that included Fidelity Guitars. I was struck by the retro vibes of their instruments gave them a follow on

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Brian Bruemmer

1976 Hagstrom HII-B N

Prior to buying this old Hag, my exposure to short-scale basses was limited to cheap, poorly set up, beginner models at places like Guitar Center or Sam Ash (RIP). I had long been of the mindset that “real” bassists only play full scale or longer. This opinion was based on

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Brian Bruemmer

1990s Roscoe – LG-3005

Roscoe basses feel like home to me. My first ever “nice” bass was Roscoe LG3005 that I bought off of a website called Superbass back around 2002. I was in a band that was playing between 3-5 times a week and finally could justify spending the money on a high

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Brian Bruemmer

2021 Atelier Z – Baby Z5

I owned an Atelier Z back in the mid 2000s and loved it, but when I stopped playing music regularly and had bills to pay, it was sold off. As I began playing again during the 2020 covid pandemic, I began playing more and more short scale basses, but still

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Brian Bruemmer

1971 Les Paul Triumph Recording Bass

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